How much solar panels cost – and how they can save you HUNDREDS on your energy bills

AS millions of households struggle to cope with soaring energy bills, it’s no wonder more people are considering solar panels.

Spiraling wholesale gas prices and an increase in the energy price cap have added hundreds of pounds to household energy bills.

Installing solar panels could potentially help you sidestep some of these rising costs, as well as be more environmentally friendly.

Indeed, online marketplace ManoMano reported this month that sales of solar panels increased 99% as people looked for alternative ways to heat their homes.

And the Energy Saving Trust says solar panels will typically cut your electricity bill by 15-25%.

But solar panels can cost thousands of pounds to install, which many people find off-putting.

There are also question marks over just how much energy you can generate in the less-than-perfect British climate, particularly at this time of year just as the clocks are about to go back.

Here we look at what you need to know about solar panels – and how much you can expect to save on your energy bills by having them. 

How much do solar panels cost?

Prices will vary depending on your installer but also based on how many solar panels you have. says 12 panels should provide enough electricity for a family of four and need around 20 square meters of roof space. 

Installation for this would cost roughly £6,000, it says.

But ongoing costs are low at least. A piece of tech in the panels called an inverter will need replacing around every 25 years and should set you back around £800.

Tasha Jackson, consumer champion at the energy helpline, said: “Solar panels can be a great way to save money on your energy bill while also reducing your home’s carbon footprint.

“You can also make some money by selling any surplus electricity you generate back to your energy supplier.

“Where you live in the country does have an impact on the savings you are likely to make, so it’s worth doing a bit of research before committing to an installation.”


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